The Dungeon of Doom – 100wc#7

I could not believe the smell! Due to an unfortunate series of events, I was trapped in this dark, damp cellar with a reeky odor. I was endeavoring to think of a way to get out of this sticky mess when suddenly, I realized that I had a rope in my bag. I took the rope and threw it into the rusty hook, hanging from the celling. I tied the rope to the lose bricks to anchor it. Bang! Boom! The hook was very weak, so the moment I started climbing, I collapsed. Suddenly, an evil laugh filled the cellar…

Prompt : Sentence “… I could not believe the smell …”

5 thoughts on “The Dungeon of Doom – 100wc#7

  1. The ‘Suspense’ is killing me…or is it going after you? Muwahahahahahah (evil laugh)….Well written Arnav!


  2. Arnav,
    Excellent writing this week! Excellent use of punctuation to help the reader navigate your writing. Your use of onomatopoeia (e.g. Boom!) as well as adjectives (e.g. rusty, sticky, reeky) paint a picture for the reader. I have lots of questions about the events leading up to you landing in the cellar as well as who is the “evil voice”.
    Very well done and keep on writing!
    Mr. Fischer (Team 100; Canada)


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